Bob's Friends in Basingstoke
Meet new and established friends
Organised by Bob Clifford

Standing Orders for Basingstoke Friends


 1.   AUTHORITY     The Constitution of Basingstoke Friends

 2.   PURPOSE        Rules for the conduct of business.



4.1   The Constitution

4.2   The Chairperson

4.3   Precedence of Motions

4.4   Points of Order

4.5   Motion that the question now be put

4.6   Amendments to a motion

4.7   Substantive motion timing

4.8   Majority

4.9   The election of Club Officers and Committee Members

4.10   Nominations for election to the Committee


5.1   Entitlement to vote

5.2   Tied votes

5.3   Tied elections

5.4   Contested elections

5.5   Changes in the Constitution





The authority of these standing orders lies in the Constitution of Active Hampshire, hereinafter referred to as "The Constitution".


The Standing Orders are designed for the regulation of General Meetings, laying down rules for conduct of the business.


Standing Orders may be revised or changed by a simple majority of members present at a General Meeting of the Club.   A motion to amend the Standing Orders may be introduced without notice being given in the agenda for the meeting.   All revisions and changes in Standing Orders shall have immediate effect.


4.1        The Chairperson, Committee and all Members of the Club shall observe all provisions of the Constitution in the convention and conduct of such Meetings.

 4.2        The Chairperson shall direct the Work, ensure the observance of Standing Orders, accord the right to speak, put questions to the vote. The decision of the Chairperson is final unless challenged by two thirds of the Members present.

 4.3        The Chairperson shall permit the proposal of only those Motions and Amendments which have been submitted in accordance with the Constitution and may allow the following motions to be made without notice in order of precedence shown.

4.3.1   A point of order.

4.3.2   A point of information.

4.3.3   A motion to suspend or reinstate a Standing Order.

4.3.4   A motion to amend a Standing Order.

4.3.5   A motion for the adjournment.

4.3.6   A motion to proceed to the next business.

4.3.7   A Motion to refere any matter back to the Committee for examination.

4.3.8   A Motion that the question now be put.

4.4        A point of order shall be taken immediately it is brought to the notice of the Chairperson.  A point of order must not introduce new business.  A point of information may be declined by the speaker.

4.5        When a motion that the question now be put has been moved and seconded, the Chairperson has discretion to accept it or not.

4.6        If an Amendment to a Motion is moved no further Amendment shall be moved until the original Amendment has been disposed of.  Amendments may only be moved on the substantive motion, as tabled or as amended subsequently.

4.7        The Chairperson shall call upon the Proposer of a Substantive Motion to speak in support of the Motion for up to five minutes.  Other speakers may then be called on that Motion.  The Chairperson shall call upon the Proposer to speak for up to two minutes as a summary at the end of the discussion.  After which no further speeches  may be taken and the question must now be put.

4.8        An alteration to the Constitution, any Motion to suspend a Standing Order, shall require the affirmative vote of two thirds of the Members present and voting.  All other Motions and Amendments shall be decided on a simple majority of those  Members present and voting.

4.9        The election of Club Officers and Committee Members and auditors shall precede the consideration of the Substantive Motions and Amendments.

4.10      All nominations for election to the Committee must be in writing and supported by the Signatures of two members of the Club.  Such nominations must be received by the Secretary at least seven days before the meeting. and have the written consent of the nominee.  A list of the nominees, proposers and seconders shall be available from that date.

The provision for written nominations may be waived:

4.10.1       In the absence of written nominations for the post.

4.10.2   Not fewer than two thirds of the Members present agree to to such a waiver.

In such cases the Chairperson shall accept nominations from the meeting.


5.1        Every full Member of the Club is entitled to one vote in any election or upon any Motion debated at a General Meeting.

5.2        In the event of a tied vote on a Motion debated before a General Meeting the Chairperson shall have a second deciding vote on that matter.

5.3        In the event of a tie in an Election for any Committee post, the Chairperson shall declare a tie.

    In such an event:

5.3.1   A further Election shall be held immediately amongst those candidates whose votes were tied.

5.3.2   If the result is still tied, the candidates will be asked to leave the room and the election shall be held on a show of hands.

5.4        In a contested election the proposer of any candidate may be called upon to speak briefly on the merit of his/her candidate.

5.5        All changes in the Constitution shall be notified to all members by publication in the next bulletin produced after the General Meeting at which the proposals were made.


The Chairperson is responsible to the General Meeting of the Club for the successful management of the affairs of the club.


Original:   14 October 1990

Amended:         November 1993

Accepted:          November 1993





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