Bob's Friends in Basingstoke
Meet new and established friends
Organised by Bob Clifford


About Us ...

Friends in Basingstoke was founded in May 1985 by Bob Clifford and first met at the Beechdown Racquets Club in Basingstoke.

Originally the group was named Basingstoke & North Hampshire Inter-Varsity Club (BNHIVC) and was created as a member club of the Association of IVCs (aIVC). The aIVC is a UK network of 33 member clubs with around 2300 members in major towns and cities across England, Scotland, and Wales. 

The group initially catered mostly to graduates, professionals, and individuals focused on their careers. However, as time passed, the group gradually acquired a more diverse membership with varied interests and backgrounds.

Consequently, the primary emphasis of this group has shifted towards encouraging social contact among people from a diverse range of social circles. These include a number of groups that Bob has either founded or been involved with throughout his many years living in Basingstoke.

In mid 2023, Bob moved from Basingstoke to Norwich in Norfolk, where he is embarking on a Master's Degree in Computing Science at the University of East Anglia. Despite the relocation, Bob intends to act as host for occasional social events in Basingstoke when he visits the area to reconnect with his friends.

The club cancelled its membership of the Association of IVCs ( in December 2022 due to the change in emphasis by the group and Bob's move to Norwich. 

Experienced individuals within the group are encouraged to arrange a variety of cultural, social, educational, and sports activities. Event hosts recuperate any expenses incurred by requesting modest donations and guest fees at their events.

Any surplus donations and fees collected at events may be retained by the event host(s). This approach ensures hosts can cover their expenses and also have a financial stake in the success of the group.

Basingstoke Science Cafe
Science, Technology & Climate Change for the price of a coffee

Bob also hosts a web site for the Basingstoke Science Cafe which promotes both online and in-person talks by similar groups within easy reach of Basingstoke.

The science and climate change public talks include a mix of live speakers plus online web talks using, The Royal Institution, The Royal Society and many other sources. The live speakers are senior experts invited from local companies and academic centres and are specialists in the subjects under discussion.

The talks promoted by Basingstoke Science Cafe evenings are public events. They are open to everyone interested in learning more about science, the climate and new ideas in technology for the price of a coffee.

Find out more at

Social Meetups
Members are encouraged to arrange gatherings in pubs and bars in and around Basingstoke. These are relaxed evenings out where we can meet to chat with old friends and get to make new ones.

The gatherings are public events that are open to anyone interested in finding out more about our group and its members.

Community Event and Membership Systems

Ideas for events you can host ...



Members can add and edit free events or request either an event ticket fee or optional thank you donation

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