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ticket   Win Sci: “Black holes and soap bubbles”
Mon 6 Dec 2021 at 19:30 to 21:00  
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Bob's Friends in Basingstoke, London IVC, Norwich Social Friends

This event is hosted and arranged by William Vine, the Group Organiser for Winchester Cafe Scientifique.

Basingstoke IVC science enthusiasts invite you to this talk on a very interesting subject. The subject of this evenings talk is “Black holes and soap bubbles” delivered by Prof. Oscar Campos-Dias.

WinCafeSci is Online, so if you missed a talk or would like to go over some of it again you can watch here on our YouTube channel.

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Your participation provides the motivation to continue. Suggestions for future speakers are welcome.

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We have recently renewed our Zoom subscription for another 12 months. If you would like to contribute, you can find the link to our virtual sweetie jar below. Thanks.

A free Zoom account is great if you want to participate. If that is not for you, you can watch on YouTube Live from your normal browser.


There are some instances where the physics of black holes is remarkably analogue to the physics of fluids and soap bubbles. It turns out that this is not a coincindence since in the last years a formal map was established between Einstein’s theory of General Relativity and the theory of fluids (hydrodynamics).

In this talk I will describe a series examples where black holes indeed behave very much like fluids. 

Oscar Dias is a professor and member of the String Theory and Gravity Group in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and STAG, University of Southampton. Before arriving in Southampton, initially as an STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow, Oscar Dias was a researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Canada), at the Kavli Institute (California), at the University of Barcelona, at DAMTP (Cambridge) and at the Commissariat for Atomic Energy (France). He does research on black holes and holographic dualities.

We will open the meeting from 7pm so people can settle in, chat etc. There will be a break between talk and Q&A when people can chat etc. It's not the same as live but closer than I thought

A recording will be available after the event on YouTube.

The Winchester Cafe Sci Facebook Group provides an opportunity to share ideas and keep in touch. You are encouraged to post interesting science links and to comment or discuss.

Contact Details:
William Vine, Winchester Cafe Sci (Promoted by Bob Clifford, Basingstoke IVC Cafe Sci Organiser)